8 SEO Mistakes to Avoid in 2021

2020 saw tougher competition for companies trying to advertise online. More businesses found the need to use online platforms. Several companies decided to open an online store with the closure of regular stores due to lockdown measures. They also relied on digital marketing campaigns to advertise to as many people as possible.  Given how difficult it is to win over the tough competition, it helps to have a clear SEO campaign. Businesses should aim to move higher on search engine rankings so that more people can see what the business is about. The services offered by experts like Philadelphia SEO Company can also help the business reach its goals. These potential mistakes are also easy to avoid with the assistance of experts. 

1. Slow loading speed

When Internet connections are a lot faster, and websites load quicker, more people are impatient. They don’t want to wait for several seconds for a website to load. If they realize that their chosen website doesn’t open quickly, they will close the tab and look for other options. Hence, it’s a mistake not to pay attention to loading speed. Even if the website looks good, it won’t mean anything if no one wants to wait until it loads correctly.

2. Duplicate content

Writing fresh content is useful in an SEO campaign. The website needs regular updates so that Google will rank it higher using its algorithms. The lack of fresh content will be detrimental to the business’s effort to soar higher on the rankings. The alternative, which is to write duplicate content, is even worse. Google will know that the content came from previously published information and penalize it for taking such action. If possible, there should be new and exciting content all the time. It entails research and hard work.

3. Keyword stuffing

The idea of keyword stuffing shouldn’t be up for discussion anymore. It has been an ineffective SEO strategy for a while. The problem with keyword stuffing is that it’s not organic. When people read the content, they will feel confused. They will also find information irrelevant and useless. As such, Google will penalize companies that use the strategy to rank higher. Just because the keywords are visible across the same content doesn’t mean it will help in the SEO campaign.  

The key is to make the keywords flow naturally within the content. The primary keyword should at least appear once or twice in the article. There should also be a keyword or a variation of it in any of the subheadings. Keywords are also useful as part of the title and meta-description. Meta-descriptions refer to the summary or overview of the content to help Google match the post with the relevant keywords. As long as the keywords appear naturally within a sentence and make sense, it’s good enough.

4. More pages in a website

Just because the website has more pages doesn’t mean it will be more popular. In fact, having more pages will make the website more confusing. The key is to organize the website in a way that it’s easier to navigate and explore. Even if there are only a few pages, as long as they’re relevant to what people are searching for, it’s okay. The presence of several pages can be confusing and might even hurt the ability to move up in Google’s search engine rankings.

5. Lack of mobile optimization 

Back then, people use their computers for almost all transactions. They have to get back home or be in the office so they can work on their computers. These days, more people transact through their mobile devices. From banking to online shopping, everyone uses their mobile devices. The increased security level and mobile devices made it easier for people to do these transactions. Unfortunately, several websites still don’t load correctly when opened on mobile devices, even up to these days. Some images look distorted, and the page seems messy. It’s high time to find a new host for mobile devices and make sure that everything looks good on a smaller screen. Otherwise, potential buyers will look for other options. They will feel more comfortable using websites where the information looks clear and easy to understand.

6. Focusing on the website’s aesthetic appeal only

Web design is part of the overall SEO efforts. The problem is that most people think that web design focuses on the aesthetic appeal of the website. The truth is that web design is also about functionality. The website should be easy to explore. The information should be well-organized. If the website looks terrible, it won’t attract attention. However, if it’s too messy and finding information isn’t easy, anyone who visited the page will immediately leave. 

7. Not focusing on traffic quality

The goal of SEO campaigns is to rank higher in search engine ranking. The rent increase could lead to more potential visitors to the website. The problem is that some businesses focus only on the number of visitors instead of quality. It’s a mistake since not all of these visitors will decide to buy the products. Even if only a handful of people saw the website, they will most likely buy the products as long as they are the right audience.

8. Failure to work with an SEO company 

There are lots of crucial details to figure out for a business to succeed in SEO. However, the entire process doesn’t necessarily have to be done alone. There are experts from companies like Philadelphia SEO Company that will help the business get through this challenge. They understand how the process works. They can also use different tactics to help the business become more visible online. The best part is that they understand the potential mistakes that could bring the business down. With your help, it’s easy to avoid these mistakes.

The SEO company will also provide updates about the services offered and where the campaign is. It’s easy to determine if the efforts are moving in the right direction. If the partnership didn’t work out, there are other options available out there.

Author: Jyoti Dhiman

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